Tuesday, August 10, 2010

NOR-CAL Road Trip Update 1: Almost NOR-CAL.

Sarah and I embark on or annual summer road trip with an open mind and thirsty livers. The occasion came a week after seeing the BLACKEST ROSE. First stop, Howard Prairie Lake 45 minutes east of Ashland. Camping was prime. There were guns and b*tches and steak and trucks and swimming and biking. And there was a "thirty bomb" on ice. Even our Sunday travel day to Sacramento seemed to be full of blessings. To loosen up our legs before the drive we went for a little bikey bike on the Hitt Road trail up FS road 2060 above Lithea Park in downtown Ashland. It was the shiz. The photos prove the bill exemplifying proper cool down methods, re-fueling and of course the beauty of the finest coffee shop in Shasta's gold leaf window. The relatively packed fridge is my Mom's and represents the extensions of Freedom through the veins of family. Aaaahhhhhhmmmeeeennnnn.

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